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2023-12-13 来源:世界商人网 浏览5178次














塞浦路斯位于欧洲和中东的十字路口,处于世界上冲突和不稳定时常发生的地区,以色列-巴勒斯坦的最新事态发展也证明了这一点。然而我们坚信,东地中海、广大中东地区和欧洲可以成为稳定、和平与合作的中心,成为 21 世纪变革的典范。为了实现使欧洲和整个地区成为和平与繁荣之地的愿景,塞浦路斯寻求充当这一共同愿景的促进者,并与其欧盟伙伴和近邻携手合作,建立一个坚实的合作网络。


祝大家身体健康,幸福美满。新年将至,希望 2024 年能给世界带来和平,给我深爱的国家塞浦路斯带来自由和统一。


Your Excellency Vice Minister Deng Li,

Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends,

Thank you all for joining us.

I address myself to you today on the occasion of the completion of 63 years since the declaration of independence and the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus. This is certainly a momentous and auspicious anniversary for all Cypriots, and one that carries an important meaning and significance that transcends time. We celebrate this day with pride as we reflect on the constant efforts and perseverance of a small island-country to meet the adversities and challenges in its turbulent region throughout the years. We remain proud for our achievements and our development, the quality of our democracy, as well as for being part of the European Union family.

Dear Friends,

This year also marks the 52th anniversary since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Cyprus and the Peoples Republic of China, on December 14th 1971. Despite the geographical distance, the Republic of Cyprus and the People’s Republic of China have forged a profound friendship and collaboration in a multitude of areas, that has stood the test of time. Our bilateral cooperation is based on mutual trust, respect and understanding.

Firmly anchored on this very solid base, over recent years our relations have expanded. We have maintained frequent exchanges of high-level visits, have developed practical cooperation across the board, and have advanced trade and economic ties to the benefit of our peoples. Acknowledging the positive progress of bilateral cooperation in the political, social and economic areas, we have also agreed to strengthen cooperation in the United Nations and other international organizations always based on our shared commitment to multilateralism and international law.

Dear Friends

Allow me to underline what I personally believe constitutes a significant force for the enhancement of our bilateral partnership, and that is people-to-people exchange. Cyprus and China, two countries with rich histories and ancient civilizations, are determined to further enhance the meaningful cooperation in an extensive array of fields including education, research, innovation, tourism, health, sports and youth.

I would therefore like to take this opportunity to express our deep appreciation for China’s long-standing support on the Cyprus question, and its unwavering commitment to the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and independence of the Republic of Cyprus. I also wish to extend our gratitude for China’s steadfast support to our efforts to resume negotiations to reach a comprehensive settlement in accordance with the United Nations Security Council resolutions. In parallel, Cyprus remains committed to the One China policy

Dear Friends,

More than seven decades following the establishment of the United Nations, our world is facing growing challenges. The war in Ukraine has shaken the world and it reminded us that “Never again” is a rallying cry, a sacred promise that is fragile, and one that we need to protect with all our resolve. Cyprus condemns in the strongest terms any breach of international peace and security effected through military action by any state, against the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of another state. We stand on this instance of violation of international law, and on every such instance, on the right side of history, by the side of Ukraine. For me personally, as I am a child of war “Never Again” has also an additional value and meaning, as I have witnessed my compatriots mourn, persevere, rebuild, forever with a burning desire for peace and reunification of Cyprus which faces for 49 years the consequences of the turkish invasion, occupation, division.

Cyprus is at the crossroads of Europe and the Middle East, in a part of the world that is no stranger to conflict and instability, as also the latest developments in Israel- Palestine prove. We are, however, convinced that the Eastern Mediterranean, the wider Middle East and Europe can become a hub of stability, peace, and cooperation, an exemplar of the change capable in the 21st century. Cyprus seeks to act as a facilitator for this common vision and has come together with its EU partners and its immediate neighbours, building a solid network of cooperation that is underpinned by a vision to make Europe and the whole region a place of peace and prosperity.

I would also like to thank my colleagues at the Cyprus embassy for their tireless efforts and work for the success of the today’s event.

I wish you all good health well-being and prosperity. And as we are approaching the end of the year, let’s hope that 2024 will bring peace to the world and freedom and reunification to my beloved country Cyprus.

Thank you! xie xie!

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