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Uzbekistan Prepares to Celebrate 27th Independence Day

2018-08-29 来源:Embassy of Uzbekistan in China 浏览3926次

These days, Uzbekistan is getting prepared to the greatest and dearest of holidays – the Independence Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It is the main and most important national holiday of the Uzbek people. On the first September the whole country celebrates the anniversary of Independence in wide and bright.

When the time passes by, the great importance of independence in the life and fate of the present and future generations, for Uzbek national development as a whole, is growing. The state independence of Uzbekistan is a solid foundation for ensuring national interests, peaceful and quiet life of Uzbek people, increasing the country’s prestige in the international arena.

Preparations for the celebration of the 27th anniversary of national independence have been launched in Uzbekistan.

In the resolution of the head of state on this occasion it reads that today, when the nation has entered a new stage of development, the role and significance of our priceless asset – independence is growing even more. In all spheres and industries, large-scale reforms are in full swing, the standards and quality of life of the population have been on the rise.

State sovereignty and independence opened up truly unprecedented opportunities for our country and people. Only thanks to independence were we able to create a solid foundation for a free and prosperous life, our great future.

From this point of view, historical dates and events related to the attainment of the independence of the Motherland are attributed a special place in our socio-political and spiritual life.

With a view to the need to mark and widely celebrate the 27th anniversary of independence of Uzbekistan, the Republican Commission for the preparation and holding of the holiday was established.

This commission in a week’s time is entrusted to develop a program of organizational, practical, spiritual and enlightening and awareness-raising activities under the motto “You are dear to me, the adorable Uzbekistan!”

When elaborating the program, it is necessary to proceed from the main provisions of the Strategy for Actions and the State Program “Year of Support for Active Entrepreneurship, Innovative Ideas and Technologies”.

At the same time, the resolution emphasizes the need for deep disclosure of the essence and substance of the large-scale work being carried out in Uzbekistan to improve the system of state and public construction, the implementation of constant dialogue with the people, the protection of human interests, the rule of law and further reform of the judicial and legal system, development of economy and support for active entrepreneurship, social sphere, strengthening of peace, tranquility and security in the country, environment of inter-ethnic harmony and religious tolerance, expand friendly and mutually beneficial relations with the countries of near and far abroad.

For the organization of enlightenment meetings, open conversations, literary and art evenings, and other cultural events dedicated to the Independence Day in all regions of the country, spiritual and enlightenment groups will be formed from among well-known scientists, representatives of the creative intelligentsia, cultural figures.

It will ensure the high-level holding of traditional contests “The Greatest, the Dearest”, “The reflection of the Motherland through the eyes of the artist”, “To live for the Homeland!”

For 27 years, a rather short period of time in human and even more so secular yardsticks, Uzbekistan has already achieved quite much. The country develops manufacture, creates new jobs, extends economic capacity, improves social security system, provides ample access to education and health care, reforms all spheres of society. It is very important that all this tremendous work is carried out in the interests of citizens, is imbued with concern for the common people, their well-being, tranquility, and the bright tomorrow.

It should be emphasized that impressive results of selfless labor of Uzbek people, its rising political and social activity is the decisive factor of Uzbekistan’s growing authority in international arena.

During the years of Independence Uzbekistan took the leading position  in the region in scope and volume of construction of residential areas, educational and sports facilities and road communications infrastructure. Constructed in the countryside modern houses on standard projects further enhance the quality of life of the Uzbek people. As a result of these measures and actions developed and modernized village, modern information technologies gain a lasting place in people’s daily lives.

Uzbekistan is a country of an ancient civilization and rich culture. More than 130 nations and nationalities live in peace and accord in Uzbekistan. In the social respect their equality is guaranteed by the Main Law – the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan and fully provided for in the daily life.

Uzbekistan, being at the heart of the Central Asia, served and still continues to serve as a center for important historical events. Life in peace, prosperity and harmony – these are the main targets of dynamic development of Uzbekistan in the XXI century.



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